The Ethiopian Catholic Church is family of the Universal Church and presence of diversity in Ethiopia. Our Church, inspired by the word of God, is committed to witness our Lord Jesus Christ who is Love.

A Christian keep growing in faith by constantly reflecting up on one’s life experience lived with the gift of faith. Through such experiences we grow in our lives as Christ’s body the Church. Lives which witness to the presence and action of Jesus Christ our risen Lord who reveals the life of God. A life of Love.

The Church is called to live the life of Christ through the public ministries in which she provides evangelization and outreach in the community we live, work and have leisure with. The Church also seeks to support and sustain members of the Christian community in their faith, as well as introduce all to the person and message of Jesus Christ.

The Church is a light sent to serve all human being who are image of God with no dissemination and work for the promotion of the integral development of human being. The human person is at the core of all our services. The Church proclaims that human life is sacred and the dignity of the human person is the foundation of the moral vision of society.
Therefore, as the president of the Catholic Bishop's Conference of Ethiopia, I welcome you all to our website and pray it will be an aid to all so that we may continue our journey together with faith.
Yours in Christ,
Cardinal Berhaneyesus D. Souraphiel
Metropolitan Catholic Archbishop
President of the Catholic Bishop's Conference of Ethiopia


Inspired by the Word of God, we are committed to Hear, Live and
Preach the Good News to Everyone, (MK 16: 15).



Inspired by the Word of God “You shall be my witnesses”, (Act 1: 8), and guided by the Magisterium and the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church and the mandates of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Ethiopia, the Ethiopian Catholic Secretariat is committed to the promotion of quality pastoral, social and development programs in Ethiopia through Coordination, facilitation, representation, monitoring and evaluation and capacity building support to dioceses and the other Catholic Institutions in their mission of holistic evangelization of all.