Open Letter from 198 African civil society organizations ahead of the 2022 African Union Humanitarian Summit and Pledging Conference available in English, French & Portuguese
English Version
18 May 2022
H. E. Moussa Faki Mahamat
Chairperson, African Union Commission
Re: Open Letter from 198 African civil society organizations
Your Excellency,
We the under-signed civil society organizations engaged in humanitarian responses across the African continent alongside AU member states, write ahead of the 2022 African Union Humanitarian Summit and Pledging Conference to request your support in advancing the localization of humanitarian aid in Africa. We hope that you will celebrate the important contributions of African civil society organizations to addressing humanitarian needs and encourage donors to make pledges that support localization of humanitarian aid.
Humanitarian needs in Africa are being exacerbated by climate related disasters that are on the rise, political conflicts and the economic impacts of Covid-19. We have seen reverses in development progress in health, education, food security, nutrition and agriculture. As the AU works to rally increased support to address urgent needs, the important role being played by African NGOs and their potential to do much more should be at the forefront of discussions.
Indeed, a large number of African NGOs are actively engaged in responding to humanitarian emergencies alongside AU members states across the continent. These organizations take a variety of forms, including grassroots, community-based, refugee-led, youth-led, women-led and women’s rights organizations. They and play a critical role in ensuring that humanitarian aid is efficient, effective, and informed by the needs and priorities of African crises-affected communities.
The global humanitarian system is dominated by UN agencies, international NGOs and Global North donors. The planned establishment of the African Union Humanitarian Agency is one important initiative to help change the way the humanitarian system operates, and to ensure Africa plays a central role in strengthening coordination and leadership. Supporting localization of aid response—that is for African NGOs and member state governments, from national to local levels, to engage in and lead humanitarian response—also aligns with the AU mantra, African solutions to African problems. Humanitarian action led by national organizations and governments is more cost-efficient, appropriate, timely and effective.
We, the undersigned organizations, collectively call on you in your capacity as Chairperson of the African Union Commission to:
- Celebrate in any summit remarks the important role of African NGOs, working alongside member states, in responding to humanitarian crises and convey the commitment of the AU to provide leadership and technical support to advance the localization of humanitarian aid.
- Convey the support of the AU for the Grand Bargain and call for donors and international organizations to meet their commitments under it, including to ensure that at least 25% of all humanitarian funding goes to local and national actors.
- Call on member states to support and advocate for African NGOs working in the humanitarian sector. AU member states have an important role to play in creating a conducive environment that supports the contributions of African NGOs in the humanitarian sector. The AU should encourage member states to support the localization of humanitarian aid by creating conducive policy environments that facilitate humanitarian operations by African NGOs, including by passing domestic policies and legislation that further localization and hold international Grand Bargain signatories to account for their commitments.
- Encourage the AUC Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development to deepen engagement with African NGOs working in the humanitarian sector, by increasing opportunities for them to contribute to and support humanitarian policy and programmatic initiatives, including through partnerships with the AUC.
- Convey your commitment to ensuring that the AU Humanitarian Agency includes representation from African NGOs in its leadership; supports the capacity of African NGOs and provides them with funding; and creates opportunities for engaging with and receiving feedback from communities directly affected by humanitarian crises.
- Remind member states of the actions they can take to prevent and mitigate crises such as: facilitating the work and operations of African NGOs in the humanitarian sector; allocating 10% of national budgets to agriculture and 15% to health in line with AU policies; strengthening social protection systems and ratifying the Protocol to the African Charter on the Rights of Citizens to Social Protection and Social Security; allocating at least 1.5% of GDP towards humanitarian action; and themselves providing funds to meet humanitarian needs.
- Call for increased coordination among AU organs and AUC departments to ensure humanitarian engagements are coordinated and aligned with AU peace, security and development initiatives.
During the summit, we are planning to convene and participate in a side event on the localization of humanitarian aid and to make our own pledge towards supporting and leading effective humanitarian action on the continent. We hope that the summit will galvanize new energies and support to improve humanitarian action in Africa.
We remain available to discuss any of the above recommendations. Please be assured of our highest consideration, and our commitment to help make the upcoming summit a success.
Signed by the 198 organizations listed below.